
Since 1998, Dragonfly has been a licensed child care facility that provides a Pre-Kindergarten program for 4 year olds and 5 years olds on Tuesdays 9-3:30 and a multi-age program for children 18 months to 5 year olds Wednesday through Friday 9-4:45. We offer both full-day and half-day sessions. Dragonfly has opted into the government initiated Parent Reduction Program and can assist parents/caregivers with the Affordable Child Care Benefit forms.

Mission Statement

At Dragonfly we are dedicated to creating opportunities to foster community through outreach programs and childcare. We advocate for the rights of children and families. We see children as unique people with their own special strengths, interests, and gifts to the world. We acknowledge multiple pathways to learning and view communication as a building block of relationships and trust. We honour and respect the First Peoples, and their knowledge and stewardship of the land. 

Philosophy Statement

At Dragonfly we actively structure our learning environment around children’s unique abilities. We believe this is key to inspiring curiosity, building self-esteem and honouring children as full people. We facilitate learning through a child-led approach grounded in nature, where play is integral to well-being, learning and connection. We prioritize time spent outdoors and in the surrounding forest to develop a respectful relationship with nature. We create a supportive environment for positive social interactions and build resilience by helping children recognize and organize their emotions. 

Every child is welcome at Dragonfly. We value inclusivity and welcome diversity in family status, race, socio-economic status, family values, learning needs and abilities, sexuality, gender and more. We recognize that the classroom is one of the best places for children to learn about and celebrate differences. When children have a diverse classroom they develop life-long respect for others who are different from them. 

Flexibility is important in our approach. We are dedicated to each child's success, regularly modifying physical environments and routines to meet the needs of children in a group. We recognize that every child has their own pathway and we are here to support them on their journey. 

Educators are valued for professionalism, skill, humility, delight in children, passion for outdoor learning and ability to play. We support continuous professional development as they provide a child-led approach to learning alongside the BC Early Learning framework.  

At Dragonfly we work with families. We know that families know their children best and educators are there to support them. We recognize a family as a group of people who are bonded by love, with shared values, and are committed to take care of each other. We trust families are doing their best for their child with the knowledge and resources they have.